[Contest] Converse / Com Truise

Hey there !

You can win 1000$ by mixing at least 3 of Com Truise cheesy 70’s sounds from Juno-60 and modulars…

I’ll see how these sounds gather with the POs’ :slight_smile:

Do not confuse Com Truise with Tom Cruise:slight_smile:


The guy says in an interview this artistic project was more or less a joke at the beginning.
Like he was surprised it worked eventually…

I’l not very fond of his sounds, but on the video he managed to get something quite funky with its modul… its thing I don’t want to know about cause no, I don’t want to put the finger in it.

I tried a little bit to make something of it, the first goal being to avoid putting a beat.
Rather hard.


I’m into, maybe I’ll give it a go. Thanks for posting