
I have updated the links on Go-p1.net to Operator-1 now as the ‘official unofficial’ linked forum to Go-P1.

Also I’m looking to give the site a fresh look / spring (i know its late) clean

One thing that would be great is to have some sound byte video of the OP-1 Community. This might be a bit ambitious but would love a selection of video clips, ideally selfies but voice over OP-1 shots. What I’m after is:-

A 5-6 second video clip of you and / or the OP-1, answering one of the two questions below by using 3 words to answer.

The question is 'What is the OP-1 Commuity?'

The question 2, "what do you love about the OP-1 Synth?!

This might turn into nothing but i think it will help some creative thinking and content to the site.

Drop videos via the upload contact page here http://www.go-p1.net/#!contact/cvrh
