OP-Z sample Storage space

Hey, was just wondering if someone could clear up how much space the OP-Z had available for samples. The 32 mb available for samples to be loaded listed in the manual… is that including or excluding already loaded presets? I can’t quite make the math work, 8 tracks with 10 slots, so 80 samples? If so, using the same format as Op-1 samples, meaning half of them would be around 1.1 mb for 12 seconds of drum samples and half around 0.5ish for 6 second melodic samples… So even if you filled up just the drums samples with 12 seond patches that would be above 32 mb? I’ve got have misunderstood something I think…

Really wish TE would just implement ‘normal’ sample memory. Dynamic length/space per sample. And truncate etc…

And ability to use the same sample on multiple patches without duplicating and doubling the memory used per patch (is this at least possible in op-z?).

My op1 could have so many more samples/patches in it if this was the case… Some of my synth sampler patches are just like 2 or 2 seconds long. And a bunch of patches use the same sample.

Its a really weird/non-optimal way of doing things…

Hello, the total amount of memory shown is 31.4mo (there’s 8.4mo more for firmware & factory presets), config & system files take >853ko, the maximum user sample storage is ±25mo whatever you do with the remaining space, that leaves you ≥5.5mo for functionnalities you need :

  • 1 project = 343ko
  • 1 snapshot = 343ko
  • 1 bounce ≤ 2.1mo
  • presets = 354ko
    be careful, on the OP-Z actually there’s no warning for running out of memory, i lost data trying to bounce projects without having enough space…

yes, that’s the case on the OP-Z, and it creates shortcuts automatically. :v: