Question about livestream sound setup

So i want to do twitch livestreams about making music on the OP-1 that i will recieve in less than a week.
How do i get the sound t go on my PC and my headphones ? Do i need a soundcard or is there an option directly on the OP-1 ?

Sometimes PCs have Line-Ins. So you can use that to get sound from the OP1 into your PC. BUT!! they usually are really bad - you won’t get a remotely good sound out of them. So I’d advice to invest in an Audio Interface.

The Behringer UR22 is something that comes to mind. It will last a while and comes fairly cheap - 115€ here. There are cheaper options, but I use my UR22 now for several years and it still does its job and has good-enough sound quality. Also it’ll be very straight forward to set up:

UR22 -> PC via USB, Select UR22 as Soundcard
OP1-> UR22 Input
Speakers/Headphones-> UR22
OBS (or whatever you’ll use for streaming) -> Input 1 (or 2) from UR22.

The UR22 has a knob where you can send sound from the input directly to the output (monitor). So You can hear all PC sounds and the OP1 sounds.

this prolly isn’t really the time nor place, but i think the notion
“that built in interfaces/sound cards are bad” is antiquated.

like computers nowadays actually have pretty good ins and outs, and converters, etc.
for what they are.
prolly just as good as a cheaper interfaces does.

is it amazing? no prolly not but it’ll get the job done handedly just like a cheap interface would get the job done.

i dunno maybe its an apple thing but i’ve used the input and output on my MBP a few times when i was in a pinch only to be surprised that it sounded alright. not bad in anyway. very useable. not noisey either
it goes up to 24-bit 96 kHz too.

getting an interface is not a bad idea by any means, just think that ppl automatically think they need one b/c its the prevailing thought across the internet & music forums