Delete Account

Is there a way to delete my account?


Who runs this site?

I think @yoof and @dimi3 .
Why do you want to delete your account?

I have a feeling you can't delete an account. You can ban people, but I'm not sure about delete. @dimi3, do you know if that's possible?

Perhaps just don't use your account?

Hey @<a href=“” class=“Username” style=“font-family: “lucida grande”, “Lucida Sans Unicode”, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: baseline; text-decoration-line: none; color: rgb(66, 157, 168); background-color: rgb(252, 252, 255);”>Artsutanov, why would you do such a thing mate ?

So sad. Don’t leave ussss


No issues or grievances.

I just need to organise my time/internet use better and deleting accounts/profiles works better for me than simply logging off. Admittedly that’s a weakness. But i’m all or nothing. Sometimes I need drastic self imposed limitations.

Cheers x


All right.

Actually, quitting internet is a sign of good will, not weakness.

I had the thought lately, to give up the internet for the first week of March.
Your action is encouraging this idea.

I suppose weakness is not the best word to use. I lack the will power to stay away from things, but have the absolute ability to self impose drastic measures without much of an issue. It takes a while to get to that point, but when I do I have to follow it through. I’m very much all or nothing.

If someone could explain why I have the “absolute ability” to delete my profiles and accounts, but not to simply stay way, i’d be grateful for your insight.

It’s a weird one. But ultimately there’s just too much info/ too many options. And I have to narrow things down. Just leaving countless profiles and account open is a headf***k.

I’d say go for it. A week internet free will be a struggle but very telling.

I try to turn off notifications, cause it’s what drags you into the internet again and again.

But a week internet free (and smartphone free, then) is quite a challenge for me !
Anyway, I know I have to do this, I know it will be very positive for me. First week of March ! (if I haven’t got my job anymore as anticipated, that is)

Me & my partner did internet-free Saturdays for a year or two, it was really nice! I really recommend trying something similar.

All right.
Actually, quitting internet is a sign of good will, not weakness.

I had the thought lately, to give up the internet for the first week of March.
Your action is encouraging this idea.

Nice, yeah I turn off notifications for as much as possible

I suppose weakness is not the best word to use. I lack the will power to stay away from things, but have the absolute ability to self impose drastic measures without much of an issue. It takes a while to get to that point, but when I do I have to follow it through. I’m very much all or nothing.

If someone could explain why I have the “absolute ability” to delete my profiles and accounts, but not to simply stay way, i’d be grateful for your insight.

It’s a weird one. But ultimately there’s just too much info/ too many options. And I have to narrow things down. Just leaving countless profiles and account open is a headf***k.

I’d say go for it. A week internet free will be a struggle but very telling.

I’m kinda similar. I didn’t eat any sugar for 2.5 years, but as soon as I had a bit, I was back on it… I can go a month without a drop of booze, but when I’m drinking, it’s hard to go a day without…

Me & my partner did internet-free Saturdays for a year or two, it was really nice! I really recommend trying something similar.

I like this idea!

I suppose weakness is not the best word to use. I lack the will power to stay away from things, but have the absolute ability to self impose drastic measures without much of an issue. It takes a while to get to that point, but when I do I have to follow it through. I’m very much all or nothing.

If someone could explain why I have the “absolute ability” to delete my profiles and accounts, but not to simply stay way, i’d be grateful for your insight.

It’s a weird one. But ultimately there’s just too much info/ too many options. And I have to narrow things down. Just leaving countless profiles and account open is a headf***k.

I’d say go for it. A week internet free will be a struggle but very telling.

Explanation: instant gratification.

Logging here to see the latest topics or looking up for instant messaging on your phone or to read gossip on Facebook is all about your brain receiving his little dose (of dopamine, I think?) Most people can’t resist and that’s why everybody’s face is glued to their cellphones and such.

I didn’t get out of constant ‘red’ on my credit card until the moment I just completely stopped going to shopping centers. Just like you: drastic actions. I always was constantly looking at people on TV like gold rush and many other shows I liked. It made me create a PASSIVE life for myself until I DITCHED THE CABLE and the TV. I recovered not only a ton of time, but gain a LIFE because now I do things instead of looking at others doing stuff. My house was in constant need of my attention for payment & repairs: I sold it. My stuff was taking my time and money to store, repair, replace: I sold all my stuff.

In essence, I’ve been doing the same “drastic” stuff as it seems you want to do, by taking drastic actions instead of “hoping to control my behavior”. That’s the best thing I’ve ever done. With all the time and money I recovered, I can now live what I consider a satisfying life with only the stuff that really counts for me, and all of it fits into my bicycle bags :slight_smile:

So let me tell you: I fully understand how you feel. Go for it! Cancel all those things that keep you from doing what’s important to you.

If you can’t delete, change your password to something gibberish that you will never remember.

I LOVE the idea of internet free Saturdays. But then I’d miss watching YouTube with my morning cup of tea…


Or change your password, give it to someone else on here, and then they can modify your account beyond recognition :slight_smile:

I LOVE the idea of internet free Saturdays. But then I'd miss watching YouTube with my morning cup of tea.....
It seems way easier to follow this line than the "1 week internet-free" project. Not that I'll abandon the idea.
But it's a goal easy-enough to reach. A 1st step.

Thank you @Artsutanov for this thread :D

Edit: weirdness happening

And again.

1 more time…