Splitting tape with math

Let say I got a loop at 170bpm. The start point is 3:40:05 and ends at 3:45:21. Is there a way to calculate each splice point in the loop if I wanted to divide it into 32, 16, etc equal parts? I tried programming a function that would print out all the points in the loop to cut it at, but got stuck since I suck at maths/logic. It looks like the code gets pretty complex.

I like dis idea

I’m not sure I got your question but if you just want to divide that time range into equal parts then this Python code might help:

from datetime import datetime as dt
print [dt.strftime(dt.fromtimestamp(y),’%M:%S.%f’)[0:8] for y in [(180+40.5)+x*((180+45.21)-(180+40.5))/32 for x in range(33)]]

Hmm this looks promising. I’ll have to translate it into javascript, since that’s all I know at the moment. Does this take into account the way the tape does miliseconds? (it only goes from 0-23) Not sure if that matters.

Is this an idea for slicing tape loops offline? Or drum sampler?

One way to find out without using any math at all…lift the loop then
drop it 32 times, use SHIFT+</> to find the start and end points
of each of the 32 segments.

Never mind, I reread your post and realize I misunderstood.

Is this an idea for slicing tape loops offline? Or drum sampler?

No, this is just for doing it on the op1. I’m imagining a little app that allows one to enter your loop start and end times along with tempo and divisions wanted. Then you hit a button and gives you all the exact times in that loop to cut it perfectly at whatever division you want. Basically since we can’t have more beat markers on the op1, I want to see if there is a way to get the extra ‘markers/slices’ with some code/math.

Is this an idea for slicing tape loops offline? Or drum sampler?

No, this is just for doing it on the op1. I’m imagining a little app that allows one to enter your loop start and end times along with tempo and divisions wanted. Then you hit a button and gives you all the exact times in that loop to cut it perfectly at whatever division you want. Basically since we can’t have more beat markers on the op1, I want to see if there is a way to get the extra ‘markers/slices’ with some code/math.

Bravo. Good luck & keep us posted :slight_smile:

I had to do this just a few minutes ago. Very simple (you need a calculator, i used my mac’s calc )

start at 00:00:00
shift > 1x to get your 1-beat time ( mine was 2:04)
shift > 4x to get your 1 measure time ( mine was 8:17)

thats all u need to know.

The timecode is SMPT ( meaning 24 frames a sec ) so 8:17 is 8.70 for your calculator ( i got that by dividing 17 by 24 (( 17 / 24 = .70 & change)

so for example, if u want 8th notes ( 8 equal tape cuts) you divie 8.70 / 8 = 1.08
now u gotta turn your .08 back into smtp number ( 24 x .08 = 1.92, so im gonna round up to a simple 2)
final result = 1.2

that might seem like alot of math, its not.you only have to do it once for a beat, once for a measure.
so for my track, if i want 1/8th note chops i scroll 1.2 seconds and split, scroll 1.2 seconds and split. etc.

ps: you could easily have done this same calc with the beat seconds ( 2:04 ) and just divide by 2
Hope you can wrap your head around that, its not complex.

good luck splitting & chopping

My brain just popped