Gear4music Estimated shipping date ??

When you use the google accelerated mobile pages gear 4 music preorder page displays a estimated shipment date for the OP-Z. For early feb. What do you think about it ?

Not accurate. Just like the price. My guess…

Lol I love how people are so desperate for news they only see the information they want to see…completely overlooking the fact it also apparantly costs £9999 according to this website

Lol I love how people are so desperate for news they only see the information they want to see....completely overlooking the fact it also apparantly costs £9999 according to this website

Yeah :smiley: But this was the first date we have ever heard from any pre order website. That being said I think we should have some news now( about 4 months after the original release date) At least a clear demo of the video funcs or description or some audio demos or something.

I think we should have
Why? Do we deserve it? ;)

Gear4music always put up completely random dates, it’s a placeholder as much as that price is. They don’t know anything we don’t.