Exclusive playback for Album?

I’ve read about the following technics before:
* Overdub the album with live solo.
* Re-sampling album onto the tape.

However on OS #218 the album is played back exclusively. The tape can record nothing while the album is being played, and the tape, synth, drum has no output when hitting the keys.
Is this really a change since the previous versions? Or did I get something wrong?

So, can anybody sample album back to tape? Or playing a synth over album? Using OS #218.

To sample album to tape, hit mic, select ear.

If you record to album, you can play live over the top.

Is this what you’re referring to?

To sample album to tape, hit mic, select ear.

Ok, I may have done someting wrong before. While album was playing back, the tape didn't turn to red and started to record, when I pressed Rec+Play. Now I managed to re-sample the album.
If you record to album, you can play live over the top.

That was my misunderstanding. I though I could play a sytnh or drum over music being played back from album.


Cool mate, you’re welcome. Enjoy the op1